Plan miasta Pyatikhatka

Znaleziono 5 miejscowosci o nazwie Pyatikhatka.

Pyatikhatka - Najnowsze wiadomości:

13 Aprile 1990 - Unione Sovietica, in linea con la Perestrojka ...

... da Starobielsk vennero uccisi nella prigione dell'NKVD di Kharkov e i loro resti vennero sepolti nei pressi di Pyatikhatki; gli ufficiali di polizia di Ostashkov vennero uccisi nella prigione dell'NKVD di Kalinin (Tver) e sepolti a Miednoje. .... che i polacchi vennero uccisi dai tedeschi nel 1941 (nonostante dalle autopsie sia evidente la differenza di un anno in un cadavere, e i cadaveri portassero uniformi invernali, mentre i tedeschi invasero l'Urss in estate). ...
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Holocaust Controversies: And now for something not completely ...

And Katyn "revisionists" go as far as to suggest that graves in Pyatikhatki and Mednoe were tampered with by KGB(!) in order to make them look like the Polish graves (as if that would be possible by merely throwing some documents and .... I spent part of my vacation last summer going over a translation into English of one of them, by a Swedish guy (in Sweden). A valiant attempt (I had read the book in Russian many times). Let's hope he finishes it, but he hasn't yet. ...
źródło: BlogSearch


David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum Transcript ? 1992 David Cole & Bradley Smith Preface It is an undisputed fact of history that, during World War II, the Germans ran a network of prison and ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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